Dublin: 10 °C Saturday 1 March, 2025

This hedgehog's adorable paper makeovers will make you smile

His name is Marutaro and he likes experimenting with his look.

IT’S MONDAY. IT’S horrible. We know. Here, have this.

The owners of this cute lil’ hedgehog named Marutaro tweet a LOT of pictures of their pet with an assortment of adorable props and accessories.

By far the cutest pictures, though, are the ones with the tiny hand-drawn faces, placed over Marutaro’s mouth. Just look.

Here’s Marutaro being a bear

He’s also had a go at being a lion

This one’s Pikachu


A snotty nose (?)

And last but not least, this rather disturbing human nose and mouth

Follow Marutaro @hedgehogdays for hundreds of pictures and to fill your daily prescribed CUTE quota. It’s as important as your five-a-day, you know.

via Buzzfeed

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